Welcome To Rotary's Dog Park in Spring Hill, Florida
In 2009, after years of fundraising, the Rotary Club of Spring Hill Central opened Hernando County's only dog park named Rotary Centennial Park. The park is located in Spring Hill off Landover Blvd at 10375 Sandlor Street on 8 wooded acres. Besides dog runs, where unleashed dogs can run freely, the park has restrooms and a large area for people that includes a Pavilion. The park has three separate runs based on the size of the dogs - small, medium and large. Since there are many more medium sized dogs using the park, the Parks Department will be combining the existing medium and large runs by removing the fencing between them. The small dog run will remain the same and the large dog run will be located across the parking lot in the existing auxiliary run. Originally, the auxiliary run was designed as a place dogs could run, while maintenance was being done on one of the other runs. Plans are in the works to add a new auxiliary run in the future.
For the past 14 years, Spring Hill Central has aided Hernando County Parks and Recreation with maintenance and care of the park. The focus of Parks & Recreation and the Rotary Club in 2023 - 2024 is to renew and refurbish the popular park. The Parks Department will begin the project by upgrading the watering stations, refurbishing the existing seating, and placing concrete pads under picnic tables and benches.
Park Renovations Planned
In 2009, The Rotary Club of Spring Hill Central partnered with Hernando County Parks & Recreation to open the County’s only Dog Park in Spring Hill. The dog park has become one of the most utilized and popular parks in Hernando County. As a result, renovations are needed to upgrade the facilities to make it more attractive and comfortable for both the dogs and their owners. The Rotary Club of Spring Hill Central plans to provide new shade, seating, and landscaping in the 14-year-old park.
The Rotary project at the Dog Park expects donations from local community donors. Spring Hill Central is accepting donations from the public to fund help them off-set expenses at the park.
The Brick Project
For Rotary to make the improvements in the park they need to raise funds. Soon they will begin selling engraved bricks for the area between the parking lot and the dog runs. You can buy a brick engraved with your name or your dog’s name. Bricks will be professionally engraved with the names of individuals, businesses, clubs, organizations and dogs if they purchase a brick. Rotary is inviting all friends of the Dog Park to help with this project.
The 4 x 8" Bricks are available for only $100 each. You can use your brick as a memorial for a pet or loved one. Or you can use up to 3 lines on the brick to note your generous donation to the Dog Park. If you would like to add a logo, such as the ones shown below, the cost is an additional $25.
For information about Rotary's Brick Project to support the Dog Park, click here.
What's in the Rotary Project
The objective of this project is to make the Rotary Centennial Park more attractive, comfortable, safe, healthy, and practical for both the dogs and the people who use the park.
SHADE The Rotary Centennial Park dog needs shade structures to help keep the owners and dogs cool and safe from the heat and sun. When dog owners have places to stay cooler and protected from the sun, they can stay longer, allowing everyone to enjoy the great outdoors more! Overheating is a serious risk, but shade structures turn a dog park into a cool and comfortable place for dogs and their owners. Shade structures allow dogs to spend longer amounts of time playing at the park, and they also provide pet owners with a cool place to sit.
Fourteen years ago, the Rotary Club’s grant provided funds for plants, shrubs, and general landscaping of the Rotary Centennial Park. However, many of the plants have died out and the County has removed many of the unsightly plants. Fortunately, the area that needs the most landscaping attention has irrigation and was recently cleared of debris and dead plants.
Many of the picnic tables and benches need to be removed due to wood rot and age. New tables and benches will be made of materials that are more suitable to Florida’s unforgiving climate and should have a longer lifespan.
Dog Park users have indicated that additional dog waste stations with bags and disposal containers are badly needed. The additional stations would make it more convenient for the users and would encourage their use. Installing and maintaining stations encourages resident pet owners to pick up after their pet and properly dispose of the waste, and it also communicates to non-pet owning residents that you care about keeping pet waste issues under control.
You can help
The Rotary Club of Spring Hill Central is raising community awareness and support to renovate Rotary Centennial Dog Park. You can help us financially, physically and with your ideas.
Sponsors, donations and volunteers will be needed to upgrade the Dog Park. If you’d like to join Rotary’s team to refurbish our park, contact the Rotary Club of Spring Hill Central at info@springhilldogpark.com or text Kiani at (850) 323-0225. The Rotary Club of Spring Hill Central meets at the Weeki Wachee Candy Company, 1413 Kass Circle, Spring Hill, 34606 on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month. Their mailing address is PO Box 3333, Spring Hill, FL 34611.
Actual changes in the park may be different from photos on this page